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Posted on December 03 2024

In 1989 Steve Rocco, eager to promote his fledgling skateboard company World Industries, brought Spike Jonze a camcorder and changed the face of skateboarding with the lo-fi VHS classic Rubbish Heap.

Juxtaposing the big budget videos and squeaky clean images of mega brands Powell Peralta, Santa Cruz & Vision, Rocco’s masterstroke was leaning into their poor production quality.

The minimal soundtrack, self deprecating home made credits and haphazard editing, coupled with the groundbreaking skating spoke to skaters in a far more relatable way.

In an instant vert was out, street was in, small companies were dope, big companies were wack and Jeremy Klein was king.

Ironically, years later World Industries would implode under the weight of becoming the biggest skateboard company of all time, Spike Jonze is an Oscar winning director and you can get that Billy Waldman t-shirt you always wanted.